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Customers' satisfaction

Why are our customers satisfied?

Premium Yacht Insurance was formed as an association for protection of the rights of its members.
Thousands of boat owners and/or skippers have witnessed their interests are indeed protected when negotiating insurance policies but as well when resolving claims. They are always provided prompt, competent and full support and thus they are fully using all the rights included in our insurance policies.

Great advantage of our insurance policies is the fact they are personalized regarding each boat and each user.
There are numerous models of boats and yachts, large amount of equipment is of different quality, and there are even more destinations and methods of navigation and cruising - from in-shore cruising to around-the-world voyage, from recreational sailing to highly competitive regattas. Therefore our insurance policies are personalized for each boat and user and thus in the best possible way they protect insured and their property.

By using risk management we prevent accidents and additionally protect customers.
We trying to prevent accidents and to protect life and health of our customers, because accident is nobody's interest. We manage risks and teach partners and customers within nautical businesses how to do the same by themselves. Any risk that may be anticipated should be removed, for all other situations there are our insurance policies.

Premium Yacht Insurance quality standard for providing nautical services
Emergency situations are impossible to predict (that is also one of the main reasons for existence of insurance), but many mistakes are being made where they can be easily predicted. For such situations serves Premium Yacht Insurance nautical standard: processes, regulations and procedures which prescribe, measure, control and improve each action and work. For each work non-transferable responsibility is being appointed which guarantees customers and partners will receive the best service and always in the prescribed manner.



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Yacht-Pool ReX Repair ExcellenceEmergenSea logotype

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