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Liability insurance of skippers, crew members and passengers on board

Skipper is main and responsible person on the boat, he operates the boat, defines navigational route and location for anchoring or mooring, regularly monitors weather forecast and uses his nautical skills in order to safely lead the boat and crew to destination. However, the skipper is only human which may incorrectly assess dangerous situation and unintentionally cause damage to the boat or injury to crew member or even to third parties. To thereby minimize the consequences to his financials there is Premium Yacht Insurane Liability insurance of skippers, crew members and passengers.

Regarding the fact that skipper is responsible for the boat and crew with all his present and future assets, having this insurance policy he complements his insurance coverage which is possibly not specified within vessel's liablity insurance policy conditions. Covered are damages on persons and things according to conditions of skipper's liability insurance for sailing and motor boats in charter, and also coverage includes clamis of own crew against skipper and other similarities. Professionally speaking, subject of liabilty insurance is civil extrajudiciary liability of the insured for damage due to death, bodily injury or health and material damage or destruction of third party's things during the time when the insured was operating the vessel for navigation of which he/she was duly authorized.

For insurance policy contact us HERE.

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